
Historical Animation “The Extraordinary Voyage of William Adams: From English Navigator to the Shogun’s Advisor”

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William Adams, an English navigator, found himself shipwrecked in Japan during the tumultuous Sengoku period. Against all odds, Adams rose from being a mere sailor to becoming a trusted advisor to the most powerful warlord in Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu. Through his unique position, Adams played a pivotal role in shaping Japan’s foreign relations and trade with European nations. This animation, based on primary sources, brings to life a remarkable tale of resilience, diplomacy, and cultural exchange.

Please click here to view

The Extraordinary Voyage of William Adams‐From English Navigator to the Shogun’s Advisor (youtube.com)

Producer / Script writer: Frederik Cryns

Narration:Rachel Walzer

Artwork: Miura Asano/Futaka Kōhei

Animation: Miura Asano

Background Art:Futaka Kōhei

Revisor: Keiko Cryns

Sound production with MFS

Archive images Nichibunken Library

Nationaal Archief

Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden

British Library

Produced by Research Division, International Research Center for Japanese Studies (NICHIBUNKEN)


This project is a component of the National Institutes for the Humanities’ “NIHU Interactive Museums” project. ©2024 International Research Center for Japanese Studies, created by Frederik CRYNS, MIURA Asano, and FUTAKA Kōhei